A Level and AS Level Results Information

For those pupils receiving results, CCEA grades can be retrieved online. All pupils should have received a letter providing details of their CCEA pin code. If you have misplaced the PIN code, please contact Mr. G. Murray (Examinations Officer) prior to Monday, 9th August.
The PIN code should be used from home to access CCEA ‘A’ and ‘AS’ Level grades. Results will go live at 8.30 a.m. on Tuesday, 10th August.
Results from other Examination Boards (which in Ballymena Academy relates to Classical Civilisation, Media Studies, Physical Education and all BTEC courses) will be available by collection from the School. Results in these subjects will be available for collection from the W.H. Mol Assembly Hall at the following times:
A2 from 8.30 a.m. to 10.00 a.m.
AS from 9.30 a.m. to 11.00 a.m.
We request that, in order to maintain social distancing, parents do not come into school at this time. Alternative arrangements are in place to address queries.
CCEA ‘A’ and ‘AS’ Level results will also be posted to pupil homes, via first class mail, on Tuesday, 10th August.
Accessing Careers Guidance (following receipt of results)
Due to the earlier date for release of results than would usually be the case, fewer staff than normal will be available in school to address queries. However, we will continue to provide appropriate support and advice to our pupils as soon as is practically possible, albeit in a different manner than in previous years. In order to assist us in managing this, any pupil requiring careers advice must contact the School Office by telephone to make an appointment with an appropriate member of staff.
In particular, please be assured that we will seek to respond as quickly as is practically possible to any queries in relation to university applications.
Year 13 students should complete the Google Form, sent by ParentMail, indicating their subject choices for next year.