Sentinus R&D Celebration Day

On Tuesday 30th April, Jacob Buchanan, David Boriceanu, Calum Cavanagh, Jack Mc Menamin, Stuart MCDowell, Stuart McNeill Joel Murphy, and Ben Walsh from Year 13, represented Ballymena Academy at the Sentinus R&D final celebration day at the Braid.
The teams have spent the past 6 months working with Hyster- Yale on engineering problems for the fork lift truck company. Today the pupils enjoyed sharing their work with panels of engineers from various companies across Northern Ireland.
Their displays and formal presentations illustrated the detail research completed and how the final solution were developed and built prototypes. We would like to thank Sentinus for organising the event and the lovely medals and we would also like to thank Hyster- Yale for being our link company this year and all the help and support they provided us with throughout the programme. The pupils involved have thoroughly enjoyed the experience and gained many life skills as a result.