GCE A & AS Level Results

Publication of ‘A’ Level results at Ballymena Academy was an even more positive experience than ever. Young people and staff are celebrating what could be considered as the best results ever obtained in the school’s long and successful history, consolidating our reputation for academic excellence as one of Northern Ireland’s top performing schools.
An increased number of pupils have achieved 3 or more passes at Grades A* – C, with the percentage figure of 84% significantly above the N.I. Grammar School average of 76%. Remarkably over two-thirds of the year group achieved at least one ‘A’ grade and all examinations sat by each pupil resulted in a pass grade.
Other facts and figures of note included:-
- results in 21 separate ‘A’ level subjects exceeded the N.I. Grammar School average at Grades A* – B
- 94% of all results achieved were at Grade C or better
- 44 young people achieved 3 or more ‘A’ grades with a number gaining A* grades in all their subjects
- the number of A* grades obtained (almost one in five of all examinations sat) is more than double the national average
Speaking at the school this morning, the Principal, Mr. Stephen Black, said that above all else this was a day of celebration for pupils and parents. He congratulated all the young people on their achievements; thanked parents for the considerable part which they play in supporting such success and applauded the school’s teaching and support staff, without whose expertise and commitment such excellent outcomes could not have been achieved.
While much of the focus will be on ‘A’ level results, the excellent results obtained at ‘AS’ level also bode well for future achievement.
Whilst the results are extremely pleasing in themselves, more importantly they are empowering young people to gain entry to their chosen pathways, particularly given the demand for university places on many of the courses to which they have applied. As has been the case for many years, young people have gained access to a wide range of courses with many attaining much sought after places at the leading universities in the U.K., including Oxford and Cambridge.
A great deal of hard work and planning has been invested in such success and the results demonstrate that the school continues to promote very high standards of learning and achievement across the curriculum.
It is remarkable in this digital age, when they can access results and check university applications on-line, that our young people still come into school to be with their friends and teachers. It is a real privilege to share that experience and to sense the strength of this learning community, particularly the culture of achievement and support which is characteristic of every good school.
Top achievers at ‘A’ Level were as follows:-
Two pupils each obtained 4 A* grades – Julie Boal and Sarah Gregg.
A further eleven pupils each obtained a minimum of 3 A* grades – Leah Anderson, Jackson Barr, Edison Fairfield, Mark Hanna, Jamie Killough, Lois McCurdy, Cameron McNeill, David McNeill, Aaron Murphy, Emily Shaw and Lyndsey Simpson
A further thirty-one pupils each obtained a combination of 3 A*/A grades – Robbie Anderson, Lucy Bill, Sasha Bill, Philip Brown, Alexander Clarke, Gina Connolly, Tori Coulter, Hollie Dickey, Ryan Donaldson, Lucinda Douglas, Laura Galloway, David Goodwin, James Gourley, Ellie Hunt, Jenny Kennedy, Julie Kernohan, Sophie Kirk, Vicki Loughran, Laura Magill, Becky Marcus, Jamie-Lee Mark, Eoin McCorkindale, Stacey McIlmoyle, Ben McKendry, Connell McLaughlin, Emma McMullan, Hannah Murphy, Lynne Murray, Rachel Reid, Chloe Taylor and Jordan Todd.